
Which are the creation settings of a manufacruring order from the production plan


This article shows which are the creation settings of a manufacruring order from the production plan.


Bedore showing the creation settings of a manufacruring order from the production plan is necessary to explain what is a Bill of material. A bill of material is an item sheet, which contains the master data of the product. 

How setup times are ricalculated

Follow these steps to display how setup times are ricalculated:

  1. Open the bill of material sheet 
  2. Select the step
  3. The setup time is situated in the box "Times"

NOTE: The setup time not depends on the item quantity to produce. 

How process times are ricalculated 

Follow the following steps to display how process times are ricalculated:

  1. Open the bill of material sheet 
  2. Select the step
  3. The process time is situated in the box "Times"

NOTE: The process time depends on the item quantity to produce.

There is also the option "Total time" which is like the setup time, so the time not depends on the quantity to produce. 

How materials quantity are ricalculated 

The materials quantity depends on the end product quantity, so the end product quantity is multiplied for the materials quantity. 

NOTE: There is also the option "Fixed component" which allows to set a materials quantity which not depends on the end product quantity. 

There is another setting which is the "Validity". The defalult tick is on the option "Component always valid" but is possbible to set the tick also on the option "Validity interval" inserting the start date and the end date of a material validity.


How manufacturing orders are created depending on the bill of material information

The creation procedure of a manufacturing order verify many settings: 


  • Setup and process time
  • Bill of material infomation


  • necessary raw material quantity to produce an end product, which is situated in the material list of a bill of material


  • Master order: End product 
  • Child order:Semi-processed product used to produce the end product

NOTE: The hierarchy is situated in the box "Hierarchy" of a manufacturing order sheet.


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