
How to insert a techincal design of an item


This guide shows how to insert a technical design of an item 

How to insert a technical design of an item

Follow the path below to insert a technical design:

  1. From the pull-drawers of Bravo click on “Resources
  2. Select the button "Designs
  3. Select the item sheet
  4. Click on "Edit
  5. Select the "Research" button in the "Path" box
  6. Select the "Research" button in the "Upload File" box
  7. Select the file
  8. Click on "Add"
  9. Click on "Save"

It's possible to attach 3 types of file: 

  1. Images (jpg; bmp; png) 
  2. Adobe PDF 
  3. AutoDesk AutoCAD 

NOTE: After inserting the file into the item sheet, a duplicate of it, is automatically salved into the "Bravo Server" sheet, and it’s available on the network.

How to insert a technical design into an Item

Follow the steps below to insert a technical design into an Item sheet:

  1. From the pull-drawers of Bravo click on “Resources
  2. Click on "Items
  3. Select the Item sheet 
  4. Click on "Edit
  5. Select the button "Technical designs"
  6. Click on the Research button
  7. Select the technical design chosen 
  8. Click on "Save"


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