
How to create a wage level


This article shows the meaning of “wage level” and how to create and edit a wage level master data within Bravo.

For more information about the “workers” and the “team worker” consult the following articles “What is a worker” and “How to create a team worker”

How to create a wage level

What is the wage level?

The “wage level” is a kind of salary assigned to the workers. Depending  on the different skills and qualifications of the personnel working, ou can choose to define a set of wage levels covering all levels of professionalism in the department.

For example, if inside your company there are basic workers, skilled workers and foremen, you can register a different wage level for each of them.

Using the component Desktop you can create a new master data of each wage level, and for each of them you can set the hourly rate appropriate for the level of qualification. You can assign to the “worker” and to the “team worker” the wage levels.

How to create a new wage level master data

  1. Click on [Resources> Wage levels] from the sliding menu of Bravo, it is necessary to access to the sheet “wage levels master data”
  2. Click on “new” to create a new turn master data
  3. Fill the fields In the sheet “add wage level”, including:
  • Code (required)
  • Name (optional)
  • Note (optional field)
  1. Click on “save”. If you want to cancel the creation click on “cancel”

How to edit a wage level master data

Follow the path below to edit a wage level master data:

  1. Click on [Resources> Wage levels] from the sliding menu of Bravo, it is necessary to access to the sheet “wage levels master data”
  2. Select the row of the wage salary you want to edit and double click anywhere on the selected row.
  3. From the top menu click on [Data> Edit] to edit inside the master data.
  4. Complete the fields you want to edit, including:
  • Header data: You can change the names and descriptive notes.
  • Section Hourly: You can enter one or more hourly costs defined in different dates

NOTE: The "Code" field unlike the others is not editable.

For more information on how to enter a new hourly cost and the reason that why is useful specify a group of costs, consult the following paragraph.

  1. Click on “save”. If you want to stop editing click on “cancel”

How and why you indicate the costs in a wage level

Bravo allows you to enter into a master data "Salary Range" one or more hourly costs.

In the course of time a wage level may undergo changes. For any reason it’s possible that a group of classified workers with a wage level, cost more or less than the current state.

For this reason it may be useful to keep track of changes in hourly costs.

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