
How to edit step worker times in a manufacturing order


This article shows how to insert and edit a step worker times in a manufacturing order.

How to edit step aplliance times 

Follow these steps to edit step appliance times of a worker:

  1. From the pull-drawers of Bravo click on “Manufacturing
  2. Select the option "Manufacturing order
  3. Double click on the chosen manufacturing order
  4. Click on "Edit"
  5. Select the step
  6. Click on "Edit" (pencil)
  7. Make necessary changes
  8. Click on "Save"

How to create a worker setup

Follow the following steps to create a worker setup: 

  1. From the pull-drawers of Bravo click on “Manufacturing
  2. Select the option "Manufacturing order"
  3. Double click on the chosen manufacturing order
  4. Click on "Edit"
  5. Select the step
  6. Click on "Edit" (pencil)
  7. Select the sheet "Worker setup"
  8. Click on the clock to insert the time 
  9. Click on "+"
  10. Add the times and than click on the green tick 
  11. Complete the box "Team"
  12. Complete the box "Wage level
  13. Click on "Save"
  14. Click on "Save"

How to create a worker process 

Select the sheet "Worker process" and follow the steps in the previous paragraph. 


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