
How to insert one or more technical designs into a Bill of material


This guide shows how to insert one or more technical designs into a bill of material

How to insert a technical design

Follow the steps below to insert a new techincal design sheet and its pictures:

  1. From the pull-drawers of Bravo click on “Resources
  2. Click on "Designs
  3. Double click on the chosen design 
  4. Click on "Edit"
  5. Select the research button in the "Path" box
  6. Select the research button in the "Upload File" box
  7. Double click on the file
  8. Click on "Add"
  9. Click on "Save"

How to insert one or more techincal designs into a bill of material 

Follow the following steps to insert one or more techinical designs into a bill of material:

  1. From the pull-drawers of Bravo click on "Manufacturing
  2. Click on "Bills of materials
  3. Double click on the chosen bill of material
  4. Click on "Edit"
  5. Select the "Techincal designs" sheet
  6. Click on the button "+"
  7. Select the research button in the "Add design to the bill of materials" box 
  8. Double click on the technical design
  9. Click on "Save"
  10. Click on "Save"

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