
How to create a new worker master data


This article shows how to create and edit a worker registry inside Bravo

First of all you have to know the meaning of the term “worker” than you can create it.

For more information consult the following article “what is a worker” 

How to create a new worker master data

Follow the following path to create a new worker master data

  1. From the sliding menu of Bravo click on [Resources> workers] and access to the sheet “workers master data”
  2. Click on “new” to create a new worker master data
  3. Complete the fields in the sheet “add worker”, including:
  • Code (required)
  • Name (optional)
  • Note (optional field)
  1. Click on “save”. If you want to cancel the creation click on “cancel”

How to edit a worker

Follow the path below to edit a worker master data:

  1. From the sliding menu of Bravo click on [Resources> workers] and access to the sheet “workers master data”
  2. Select the row of the wage salary you want to edit and double click anywhere on the selected row.
  3. From the top menu click on [Data> Edit] to edit inside the master data.
  4. Complete the fields you want to edit, including:
  • Header data: You can change the names and descriptive notes
  • Profile sheet: You can edit the title, the dates and the wage level of the worker
  • Team sheet: change the team assigned to the worker
  • Shift sheet: edit the shift assigned to the worker
  • Foreign keys sheet: edit the key data from a an external management.

NOTE: The "Code" field unlike the others is not editable.

  1. Click on “save”. If you want to stop editing click on “cancel”

We suggest you to consult the following articles related to the worker “how to create team worker”, “how to create a shift” and “how to create a wage level”

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